God has impressed on my life the value of all human life. He has really open my eyes up to what it means to love. Because of this I was deeply disturbed by this chance meeting with a fellow believer. I was actually busy for a change and was in the midst of moving some heavy equipment. She came up to me to speak and I knew the routine. That was not the part that bothered me. It wasn't the fact that I had to stop what I was doing to have this conversation, I actually didn't mind taking a break. It wasn't any part of our conversation. It was the fact that as she hurried across the street she had a choice to make. I was there working and there was another man sitting on the curb passing time. She chose me. Not a big deal right? The part that was a big deal is after my conversation she went on never saying a word to this gentleman.
No one else was in the area but she walked pass him never even saying "Hi".
He was homeless. His clothes were wrinkled. He had all of his earthly possessions on him. Some how in our twisted view of the value of life we are attracted to the lives that most reflect ours. I am not putting her down because she has the guts to go to a foreign country and share her faith boldly. I just ask who de we go out of our way to talk to. Those who look like us, listen to the same music as us, dress like us, make as much money as us? We do the same thing day in and day out.
Jesus was homeless, even a fox has a den and birds their nest, He carried his belongings with Him, He didn't wear the fancy clothes. Would we walk by Jesus if He were here today because we wouldn't find value in His appearance? As we walk through life we determine the value of a persons worth. What if God used the same standards we do? Would Mary be the virgin mother? Would the shepherds been the first to hear? Would Paul have become the greatest missionary of all time? How do I measure up? Can I measure up?
I am thankful that God sees us ALL as worthy!