Friday, May 23, 2008

Few and Far Between!

I have really been trying to get on here more often but life has been busy lately and will remain this way for some time to come. Thank God vacation is in early July. Good news is school is out for the summer and I must brag a little. I earned a 100 on my apologetics final. I stressed about this class endlessly because I do not always see things the way everyone else does.

I am in a very traditional Southern Baptist Church. Yes that is where God has led me and I am for the most part extremely happy to be there. I always hoped to be at a super contemporary-post modern church that was pushing the envelope but God in His infinite wisdom or because He has a sense of humor sent me to a church that is a textbook example of your grandmothers church. I am so thankful for this because I know it is God who has placed me here. I have had so many oppurtunities to share new ways of thinking and doing things. The college group is amazing. I love these guys. We have done things that no one in the church's history has even attempted. I have asked them to come out of their comfort zone and experience what Christ meant by loving others. They are great.

It is easy to see the complacency among our church. Not just in one area but across the board. The great news is my guys have felt comfortable bringing their unchurched friends to our midweek group. Then it happened. Someone came in and stirred the pot. I love these people. Really I do. Someone felt these people were to lost to be at church and in our typical self righteous Christian ego we make them feel uncomfortable only to have them left with the bitter taste in their mouth that they will always associate with Christ. I pray that these people will be back and bring swarms of their friends with them. Bring all their lost, worldly, broken friends so we can show them Christ unconditional love rather they accept Him or not!