I was going to try to be on here a little more often, but some situations that I have unfortunately been involved in lately have caused me to not have the desire to blog. I will not use this as my forum to vent so if I have nothing good to say I won't say anything. Everytime I sit down to write I am full of disgust! I do not understand how people can call themselves Christians, but live like the devil himself. We, as Christians, are called to set ourselves apart, but far too many times no one can tell the difference between us and the world. We say we want the world to know about our relationship with our Savior so we put on a front and show them while we are in public, but behind closed doors we live like someone on the highway to hell. We act so surprised that the world sees through this. Then, as Christians, when we see this cycle we don't have the balls to confront the issue. We twist scripture and say it is not our place to judge, even though Matthew tells us to confront the issue and eventually commands us to break fellowship with these people. I am all for restoration of a repenting believer, but without repentance there is no restoration.
How much different and safer would our churches be if we had a few more people with enough balls or who cared enough to stand up for what is right instead of what is easy? They are in our churches, but we have quieted them or paid them no attention.