Three nights in a row! Tonight was yes another VBS night. I thank God for using me and giving me the ability to connect with these precious children. So many of us look back at our childhoods as a very formative time in our life. I am blessed to know that I am playing a part in forming some principles in the children's lives that will always be dear to them.
Most of us made our decisions early on in life about our direction to accept the idea of God or reject it. So many times we made these decisions at a camp or a VBS or some other function at a church. Sure our theology has changed but we hold onto the early truths we were taught. I am in a small church who doesn't have all the bright lights and fancy sets but we have done good. Realize the kids put a lot less stock in those items than we do. The kids want to be loved on and know it.
As I strive to be more Christlike I find myself falling more in love with the children of our church. You know the ones who climb over the pews or talk in the prayer. Yes they need to learn things but when they do they are so authentic. They don't sing loud so the lady two rows in front of them will admire their voice. They don't look around to see who is watching them place the money in the offering plate when it is passed. They do it because they are being obedient to Scripture. They are obeying Scripture out of a love for God. Not a distorted love of God but because they truly understand what it means to love God.