Monday, February 25, 2008

Good Times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday night we decided to have our guys from church come over. What a blast! We used to do this all the time with our former church but this was the first time we have done this with the new guys. I hope they enjoyed the evening as much as I did. The food was great! (The cook was pretty hot too!) We had a ton of desserts (which believe it or not I resisted the temptation of eating any of them).

We watched a few brave souls make fools of themselves with the karaoke. Never seen a guy sing Material Girl with as much emotion as Adam. We all met a lot of new people and got reaquainted with some old friends. Next time we do this it will have to be bigger and better. I was really hoping to put up some pictures but they really didn't turn out that well. Just means we have to do it again.