Monday, February 18, 2008

I find it hard to work when the family is home!

Being married to a school teacher is not the easiest thing in the world for me. My wife had the day off to celebrate Presidents' Day. I will be the first to say teachers deserve all the days off they get. Between the whiney kids, parents who don't realize their children are brats, and administration who have no clue they earn it. It just sucks when you have to go to work and you were enjoying just laying in bed watching mindless telivision. I never seem to get as much done on days like today!

Connor went with me to work today and we had a lot of fun. I had to do some work at a vet's office and he enjoyed playing with all the animals and snuck a peak at a surgery being performed(he gets that from mom). We then decided to go to a pet store where he exhibited his father's love for animals. He found a dog, cat, hamster, gerbil, fish and rabbit he wanted. He is trying to talk Mom into a hamster for Peyton. We found a princess cage and a wheel designed to look like a carriage. I have a feeling Peyton will he getting this for her birthday if "Babba" earns the cash.