Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentines Day

As we get ready to celebrate Valentines day I look around at all the stores gearing up for yet another holiday driven by our greed and lack of creativity. As my children prepared the cards for their classmates I wonder if they even cared about this holiday or is it just another excuse to have a party. I understand that if we just stop celebrating now that alot of us guys would be sleeping on the couch but I am willing to bet the ladies would be happier with a gift that took thought. Our children watch us stress about the perfect gift and learn fom our example to be materialistic.

I wonder if we were to treat our spouses special everyday how much lower would the divorce rate be? I spent time making chocolate covered strawberrys and although they may not have been as fancy as the mall version that cost $3.00 each I bet they are equally as good. This year I am going to try to do something extra special and creative instead of falling into the trap of buying something for the sake of buying it.