Friday, February 8, 2008

Thank God not all Christian men have been neutered!

I have recently read various books and articles about how Christian men have lost their boldness and observed this phenom in local churches. We have down played a major aspect of the male psychi and asked them to be almost neutral in actions and language. The results are that men have lost their passion in life. We hear wives complain about how their husbands no longer have the same passion toward their marriage. Men are no longer the head of the house because they have been told to be passive. They have become so politically correct that they are no good. They are afraid to stand up for their beliefs because they "must turn the other cheek".

I want to first discuss the teaching of turning the other cheek. I do not see Christ as being politically correct or as being passive. Pacifist maybe but passive NOT! Let me suggest (and this is me suggesting this I am not saying this is God's view) that maybe, just maybe, we have missed a little in the turn the other cheek verse. Let's look at this through a literal slap in the face. When you turn the other cheek you are making the other party look at you directly in the eye . This takes the interpretation from a completely passive view to a bold, stand up for myself and willing to pay the price, move. Yet you are still not stooping to their level of foolishness. How much different would it be if we Christian men could embrace this idea?

I have seen good Godly men tuck their tail between their legs in order to avoid confrontation. They say they don't want to compromise their convictions but where has their conviction went to stand up for what is right, and noble?

In view of recent events in my life I am glad to say there are still Christian men that are intact. As men we need to embrace the boldness we are born with and encourage and support our brothers. Thank you for the bold men that have been examples to me and my son and may God bless your integrity wherever it takes you.