Saturday, August 30, 2008

Life of Christ!

I really wanted to drop this class because I hate group projects. I even went to school with every intention of dropping the class. Well obviously I didn't. The teacher said the magic words for me. He wanted this class to stretch us and make us think. He had me from that point. I have been in this quest to dump all the things I have been taught that may not have come from the Bible but somehow filtered their way into my theology through Church. I am not some arrogant fool who thinks I have it all figured out or that there is some new better Gospel. I just have come to find out that unfortunately I have allowed some persons interpetation of Scripture influence my belief system.

I grew up in a traditional Southern Baptist church (that I still dearly love) but had some great teachers who mixed in their personal beliefs in with their lesson. Difference is I don't blame them. I have the same Bible they do but do to my own failures I was not doing my part in studying scripture. Anyway, I have struggled for the last year with issues such as the death penalty, war, and our inability to love the lost.

I had been taught to be for the death penalty. They were getting what they deserved. Then this crazy guy Paul says in Romans that the wages of sin is death. Of course he was only referring to big sins, right? But even before that the whore at the well, Jesus had to go and mess up my theology and spare her life. According to Jewish law it was required for her to be stoned. So if we are told to love as Christ loved us how can I consciously say that the death penalty is God's way of dealing with crime?

War. Touchy subject I know but here it goes. I have friends over there right now and I support them and pray a hedge of protection around them. I don't know if I can say I am for the war though. I am not some peace sign wearing hippie but Christ was born into a time when Israel was under Roman rule. They were prisoners in their own land. Did he lead a rebellion? Did he pick up weapons and make a stand. He was quite the opposite. So much so that as he was riding the donkey into town they laid palm branches (a symbol of peace) down for him to enter town.I think we can say he wasn't all about war.

The church has suppose to have been the tool used to draw in the lost. Listen to this and tell me if you would come to church. I was recently involved in a conversation where a group was deciding to grant membership to a person. She was refused because she was currently living with her boyfriend. She was honest and disclosed the information but if she would have LIED and hid it she would be welcome. We accept those who will only sin in private or do the micro sins. No wonder our churches are falling apart. Good thing Jesus doesn't break off fellowship with us for sinning.

If we are gonna call ourselves Christians let us at least know what Christ did!