Thursday, September 4, 2008


I got home from church and got an update that I had once again ticked someone off. I figured that I offended someone with challenging them to have some "huevos" and stand up for what they believe. Or possibly my slip and instead of saying PSP I said PCP. These would have been expected, but that is not what I found. I had ticked someone off because I was doing too much for the church. They were tired of having to share me with other people. This caught me slightly off guard. It honestly troubled me most of the day. I was still spending more time with the very group that was complaining. I am sometimes there when none of them show up. I am continually inviting people to that group (something I don't do for the others). Some people may find this quite flattering, after al,l we all want to be liked. We all like to be needed. It reminds me of a classic middle school fight with the girl being competed for by all the guys in the class. It has disturbed me. What have I done? I am trying to point everything I do to a relationship with Jesus. Not me! I am a screw up. I will let you down. I fail. I am not worth your loyalty. It is important that I try to connect with every person I come in contact with but I feel like I have left them empty still searching not connecting to God. I hope they see through this mess of a man and see Jesus!