Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"Words are THE Voice of the Heart" Confucius

I was always told think before I spoke. Words I heard far too often but ignored most of the time. This is probably some of the most damaging advice we give. We are saying think about what you are going to say and if it is hateful or damaging, don't say it or lie! The problem isn't when the words exit our mouth but the condition of our hearts. The thinking before I spoke, those thoughts were the issue. Confucius said "Words are the voice of the heart"; how ugly is my heart?

Sure, I forgot to think and it slipped out is a great excuse to hurt someone. I just said what came to mind, I never really thought about it. What about the things that we don't say because we thought about it? What about the damage they do? THose thoughts rather ever made audible reflect the condition of our heart. What happens when they are verbalized? Can we ever really take them back? Maybe but have the thoughts gone? Or do the thoughts remain just being pushed further into our subconscious way of going about life?

Our words are a mere voice for our hearts. Our thoughts are nothing more than words waiting to be verbalized. Don't apologize for what you say but for the condition of our hearts.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

3rd & Goal

Every time I turned on the TV this weekend it ended up on football. Saw bits and pieces of some really good games. Saw Boise State play on their famous blue turf, watched the Giants crumble under pressure, and my favorite watched Steve Spurrier get out coached. I don't have a team I follow regularly. I prefer just a good game. There are a few individuals I route for but that is more because of their off the field actions than on. I do enjoy coaching from the couch. It seems so easy as I sit there to call the right plays. Of course, I do not have the pressure, noise, or my job on the line. It is easy for me to say be aggressive or fake a kick when it is not my neck on the chopping block.

That is the way life is though. We have a coach who seems to be making the calls and a crowd of coaches sitting on the couch calling out plays from the safety of their seat. It is easy for them to call in a play where if it fails they have nothing to lose. It is easy to criticize when you have nothing at risk. If you fail from the couch you have nothing to lose, not even your seat. Maybe if you have the ultimate "play" you shouldn't be sitting on the couch. Strap on the gear and go make a call.

The coach has to take the responsibility of the outcome, win or lose. The coach can't pass the blame. A good team though helps shoulder the blame. A good team keeps the coach in check not allowing him to believe he earned that win single handed. Nor does the team let him believe he lost the game single handily. They shoulder the blame together. We win or lose as a team.

How many good pastors have been out coached from the sidelines? How many pastors didn't have a team to have their back? How many pastors never heard good play? How many pastors called the play as the church sat in the pews? How many pastors had no team?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Who Dat Nation!

Believe it or not this post has very little to do with the Saints that play football. Just happen to be watching the game and felt inspired. I normally don't take the time to watch many games but since i was able to hold a Super Bowl ring from last years game I thought I would watch for a few minutes. If I were to be totally transparent i started to watch the game tonight looking for a client I work for that is on the coaching staff of the Saints.

At the beginning of the game both teams came out in a sign of solidarity and showed they were unified for a cause. Two teams with a lot to prove tonight showed they were all going to work together as one to accomplish their goal. I do not agree with their goal and believe it shows the desperate lostness of America but I do admire their unity.

What if the "church" could be equally united for the kingdom? What would this look like? If a lost world sees the need for unity why do we continue to be at odds? Yes we say we all want to see kingdom growth but do our actions show it? Both teams walked out on the field and all held up a single finger saying we are one, we are unified. The 2011 season will come and if there is not an agreement they will, as one, go on strike. They move forward together-this is not because they all agree on every issue but because they (in their opinion) want whats best for the group. Some will have to bite their tongues, some may sacrifice time and money but the goal is to do what is best for the entire unified body.

I don't know what this would look like in a church but I am positive it would not look like a local church body with ministries competing for recognition. It would not have members of the church body trying to place their personal needs in front of another's needs. It would not consist of us spending our time trying to destroy someone to make ourselves more popular. Instead of attacking each other we would murder the sin that we so easily are tangled in. My God why are we so shallow and selfish?

I have heard it said that the greatest obstacle for kingdom growth isn't atheism, Islam, Buddhist but Christians themselves. The world sees how they treat each other and want no part of it.

Next time before we compete, gossip, back stab, slander, cheat, lie picture ourselves between the cross and a lost brother walking toward the cross. Can you handle him looking at you and walking away? It is the Jesus he sees in you that he is rejecting, not the cross.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Follow the Leader.

I remember as a kid playing follow the leader and really enjoying the game. It was fun because the leader always made you do stupid stuff as you marched around the playground. I used to love to try to become the leader. I wanted my turn to make everyone jump when I jumped, make everyone run when I ran, crawl when I crawled. We never really stop playing the game though. In High School we follow the leader, rather it is the star athlete or the musician playing to sold out arenas we chase the leader. As adults we look for the "successful" business person or the best dressed soccer mom to lead us. We even tend to do this in "church-life". We look to the mega church and try to follow their lead. We tend to find a model we like and copy it expecting the same results as the leader was getting. Why do we play these games as children? We look back on them and realize just how ridiculous they are. I remember one time in particular playing follow the leader and being the leader with about 15 people and getting quite and unexpected result. I remember walking through the parking and balancing on the curb. I had reached the end and took two long jumps on the flat ground. The entire line jumped as I jumped. I was able to do this with ease since i was on flat ground. Problem was they weren't. There were bodies everywhere. People fell to the right, left and everywhere. The drama queen of the group just knew she broke her ankle and was going to be paralyzed. Thankfully there were no permanent injuries, in fact no injuries that persuaded us from playing the same game the next day.
Those jocks we looked up to in High School now play armchair quarterback, the musicians that played to sold out arena's are now playing Bar Mitzvah's and karaoke bars. The "successful" business man no longer is "successful" and the soccer mom is still wearing the same sweats that are no longer in style. The mega church has changed their model 3 times and we are still on the original. They are on the flat ground and we are still trying to balance and walk on the curb as the jump off. We jump anyways. The result is the same as it was back when we played in school. Some come away unharmed but we leave a trail of injured, bleeding, scared people trying to figure out how they lost the game.
When we played follow the leader we were unaware of the world around us focusing on the individual rather than the the inventor of the game. God started this game and has played the game throughout history. Moses followed the cloud of fire, Jacob across the dessert, Abraham, to name a few.. Jesus assumed the responsibility when He told the disciples "follow me". First we need to be looking to Jesus to fill the spot of line leader. Not some plan, some person, some model, the American Dream, or even our comfort. Sometimes following the Line Leader is hard but when we follow, He wins.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Super Villain

Darth Vader, Sabretooth, The Joker, Magneto, Skeletor, Green Goblin, Lex Luthor, all guys we love to hate. On that list for many church goers is one more name. Judas Iscariot. The man who betrayed Jesus with a simple kiss. We seem as the Super Villain of scripture. There is no one else throughout the Bible who committed a more heinous crime. We put him in a class with Hitler, Stalin, and Hussein. Surely not one of us could be so selfish that we would betray Jesus with a kiss. Would we?

Of course not...We fill our sanctuaries every Sunday, we sing our songs to Him, we even give when the offering plates are passed. We are doing our religious duty. We even bring a friend to church for the Christmas message and will bring a can of food or two for the pantry when needed. We read our Bibles, we even offer up our prayers when we remember. We worship the resurrected Savior every Sunday!

Judas walked with the living Savior for three years. He attended the miracles. He probably handed out some of the bread and fish at the feeding of the five thousand. He attended religious feast with Jesus. He would have seen the people being healed.

The book of James encourages us to not only listen to the teachings of Jesus and scripture but to also let them become an outpouring in our lives. James does not tell us to hide behind some corporate banner as a way of following Jesus but to personally take an active role in living out the teachings of Jesus. James even goes as far as to say that "Faith without works is dead." (James 2:20). If we are going to call ourselves Christ followers how closely are we following? Are we following at a safe distance in order to make ourselves feel clean but yet still keeping Him in sight. Lord allow me to follow so closely that I get the dust your feet kick up all over my face.

Maybe we won't betray Jesus with a kiss but are we not betraying Him with our hollow worship. Are we betraying Him as we chase after the American dream while children in our own cities sleep in alley ways and cars? I wonder how it feels when we walk by the man laying in the street? I wonder how it feels as we scrape the excess off our plates and a child dies of malnutrition? Must feel just like Judas kiss!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Super Massive Black Hole

I never realized how much I need people in my life. I enjoy being by myself sometimes. Always have had great people in and out of my life but never realized how valuable they are.

Can't believe it's been thirteen years. Thirteen years ago a Super Massive Black Hole was opened. Never realized the influence people have on you until you want to share dreams with them and you can't. I love dreaming. I don't really think they are dreams though. More like visions of what the future should be. Some of them scare me. Some of them excite me. None of them ever leave me. I miss the days of sharing them. I get to share them with my wife. She dreams with me but I miss sharing them with two people. I want to bring others along. They were suppose to be making these dreams a reality with me. Now I can't even talk to them. I know they are in a better place but that doesn't close the hole left behind. I'm not angry, just lonely. Not hurt, just jealous.

She will never hear me teach. She won't see me coach. She won't see my son shoot a three or block a shot. She won't see him change the world. She won't see Peyton dance. She will never hear her sing.

He was going into ministry with me. We were going to change the world. He could have coached my son. We would have started a church.

Now there is a hole where they were. Sometimes the dreams bring back memories. Sometimes they bring pain. Other times dissapointment. Wonder what it would have been like.

Tears of pain and joy cloud my vision but it's the brokeness that distracts from the dreams.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Paperweights & Jewelry

As I prepare for what has become the most intimate of "religous holidays" for me I can't help but wonder what it was like that night 2000 years ago. What would it have been like to wake upon that Thursday morning? How many times have we heard "if today was your last day what would you do differently?" or "if you only had 24 hours left what would you do?". As I look through the accounts of Christ life I do not see Him trying to fill His bucket list. I don't see Him doing anything out of the ordinary.

I do not believe it is by accident that we do not find anything out of the ordinary on Christ last day. He did what He did everyday; pouring Himself out into the lives around Him. That evening he ate dinner with his 12 closest friends. We have managed to mess this picture up. It wasn't just a quick meal. It was a feast, a celebration.

Imagine the pain that Jesus felt as He sat their knowing this would be His last meal with His friends. How much easier would it have been for Jesus to shelter his friends from the upcoming ordeal?

That is what is so amazing about that night to me. Jesus came to be with humanity. He came to see, taste, touch, hear, and feel all the things we do. But, not only did He want to experience those things for us He wanted to do it with us. He brought along this odd pairing of friends for the ride of a lifetime. What if we were to do the same? What if we are meant to bring the people in our lives into our lives?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, March 29, 2010

Designer Baggage

I enjoy shopping. I know that I will lose manpoints for admitting this but I have extra to cash in so I will be fine. I don't even mind just shopping for clothes for my wife.

However I hate shopping for purses or bags. How many different black purses can there be? They all serve the same purpose. On a recent trip I was stuck in the middle of the purses. Both sides of the aisle were lined with black purses. Big bags, small bags, shiny bags, cloth bags. Bags everywhere. $20 bags, $400 bags. But they were all bags. They all do the same thing. They all were designed to accomplish the purpose. We have put designer names on them and marketed them to the masses.

Driving down the road I passed a First Baptist Church, a Catholic Church, Lutheran Chuch, Methodist Church and a community church. I began thinking of the purses. So
many choices all designed to accomplish the same purpose. We have put cute names on them and attempt to market Jesus. What if we threw out all the labels and just followed Jesus? What would this place look like? No more competing over a share in the market. No more hiding behind a tag.

On earth as it is in heaven...These labels won't make it to heaven. They will remain here among all the other things we have added to Jesus' teaching.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Bird Without Wings

I usually don't pay attention to politics. Honestly can't remember too many times that I was in a political conversation that really cared about. I am not saying they aren't important. I am not saying that there are not things I am passionate about that end up in the political arena. For the last month all I have heard about is this healthcare reform bill. Honestly I am sick of hearing bout it.

I have friends who identify themselves with the right, others the left. I have heard all the arguements. I DONT CARE. Be left, be right, be for it, be against it. Does it really matter?
. We as Christ followers have done a good job of diverting the attention away from us. I wonder how the story of the Good Samaritian would play out in America today.
Maybe it would be the church walking past the illegal alien because he didn't pay taxes, then the doctor walking by because of lack of insurance. Finally, the 18 year old person comes by and helps? Maybe we wouldn't have to worry about the Healthcare Bill if we lived like Jesus.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I love to daydream. I never had much of an imagination as a kid. Had more fun blowing up my G.I. Joes than pretending to save the world. Found it awkward playing cops and robbers. Never pretended to be the king of a far away land. That was then this is now.

I find myself constantly dreaming. I mow the yard and all the while I am working come up with plans for a non-profit that will provide shoes for the homeless. I dream of turning the world I am apart of inside out. I dream of writing a book. I dream of buying run down houses and fixing up helping struggling families get on their feet. I dream of a day when we see value in taking care of our neighbor. These are my dreams everyday.

The dreams I have at night aren't so fairy tale-ish. At night reality creeps in and chokes out what I want my reality to become. My thoughts are filled with images of the world we live in. The reality of the battle we are in sets in. I wake up and lay in fear. The images fail to escape me.As I sleep I don't envision heaven on earth but it is a hell in my head. The battle rages. I awaken in fear and the battle continues. I try to wipe the thought from my memory but I can't. I try to play the hero in my dreams but I fail. I know as I close my eyes the turmoil begins. Forces wrestle for my thought. I fight off sleep until the point of exhaustion. Reality sets in and the battle isn't against flesh and blood but rather a spiritual beings fighting to distract me from the dreams that are the desires of heart. God help me!

As I lay my head down I once again dream of heaven on earth. An upside down earth where everyone has shoes, a home and a book. The nightmares may come but that is not my dream or the reality to come. The reality is I may do some of those things, may not. But I can't be robbed of my dreams in this war.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, March 22, 2010


As I sit at my favorite table in my favorite coffee shop it is as if God cleared the room just for me. I appreciate that and needed it. I love coming hear to hear stories and make new friends but today it is empty. Completely empty. There have been a couple of to go orders but nothing like usual. Pretty sure it is God's subtle way of saying that I needed this break. I started doing some work but my mind just kept wandering away. I have several messages that need my time but nothing is coming from my efforts.

I sit here and detox. I have been stressed and confused lately. I have wanted some time to just escape but there were deadlines to meet, people to connect with, birthdays to celebrate, life to live. Until now...

I have told others in my life to go relax and breathe God in all while gasping for breath but today is my day. My time is short here today but rich with purpose. Having only 4 hours of sleep and feeling well rested is a blessing. I sip on my Mocha el Grande and breath in breathe from heaven. My focus has been restored. Not thinking about politics or procedures but focused on purpose and things that matter eternally. Having felt loved and able to love is intoxicating.

The emptiness now begins to be uncomfortable because I feel the need to share...the need to love...the need to fulfill my purpose. Having received encouragement it overflows from the depths of my soul searching for ways to be expressed.

Thankful for coffee, quiet, and the world being put on pause for a minute just for me!

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Rev?

A little over a week ago I was ordained. I am not going to go into all the theological details of ordination but instead would like to reflect on some of my memories of that night. It was an extremely special night for me. In case ordination is foreign to you, it is basically the local church body saying they recognize God's hand in your life.

I was so blessed to have so many friends there that night. Some of my wife's former and present students were there. I love these guys (and girls). Some of them are very involved in ministry themselves. I could talk to these guys for hours, and have. I cherish our friendships and look forward to the opportunities to serve together. Thanks guys for being there.

I was honored to have some current pastors who encourage me and presently speak into my life present. The Bartell's were there. Love these guys. There church is off "the trail" and they are tearing it up. They allow me to participate in different ministries they are a part of. They are really loving their neighbors. Westpoint was represented by Jim Collins and a video from Jason Dukes. These guys and this church family continues to inspire me. They have pushed me harder than anyone else in the last year. So blessed to be a part of these church families.

My principle from elementary school was their. He is a former pastor to whom I owe a lot to. During my routine trips to his office he saw something in me and invested a great deal of time in me. I remember in 5th grade sitting in his office going through EE training. Thanks Mr. Walton.

My 11th grade Sunday School teachers were there, later had them as young marrieds teachers too. Shared many a smile and many a tear with these guys. He even stayed awake. ;) Thanks for the time you invested in me.

My family was there. They have put up with me the longest. They have to listen to me dream on how to turn a city upside down and follow along with some of my crazy ideas. Thanks for all the support.

My new family. Lockhart. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of this amazing thing going on at the little church on the busy corner. Couldn't think of a better place to be.

Thankful for all the men who came down to pray over me. Even if you made me cry because you spoke of me like I was part of your family. You know who you are. I value the time I get to spend with your family.

RETRO- You guys are amazing!!!!!!!!!! I get to go on this crazy roller coaster of life with you all. Some of you are gonna turn this place upside down, inside out. I love watching you fall in love with following Jesus. You love those around you like Christ loves us. You are leaders. Keep going.

Most of all I want to say that I have the MOST AMAZING wife and kids. You put up with me hiding to study, dreaming big dreams, and always willing to put others first. Ya'll are amazing.

Jesus, Thanks for dying!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ready for a fight!

I must confess. I got in a few fights in my younger years. Like most guys they were territorial disputes. I enjoy watching a hockey fight, baseball brawl, and even some of the MMA fights. For some weird reason I have always enjoyed professional wrestling. These are the images that first come to mind when we think about fights. We envision two people, usually powerful strong guys, exchanging blows until one gets the upper hand. We see professional wrestlers act this out in a choreographed routine making ballet dancers jealous with their ability to leap and jump with utmost precision.

There is a larger fight going on that we tend to overlook. We overlook it not because we are unaware of it. We see the casualties everyday. We see those who once followed Jesus walking away, burned out, tired, hurt, and alone. We see those who were once passionate about learning the ways of Jesus content with just living. We see people excited as they begin to realize what it means to follow Jesus only to decide the cost are too high. We see once stable marriages crash. We see families torn apart by what seems to be irrational behavior.

Last night I was thrown for somewhat of a surprise as I watched the spiritual battle unfold in front of my eyes and take on flesh. I am aware of the battle going on but this time I could see it develop and fleshed out in front of me. A new believer was worshipping as two of her friends began to heckle her. It continued to the point she broke. She had to leave the room in tears. The overprotective side of me wanted to shield her from this and say this never happens but the other side of me saw this as a growing point in her life. This battle goes on daily and we over look it. The urge is to give in to what feels natural. The desire to fight is not always there.

I hope we become aware of the battle going on around us.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Ever have one of those days that would fit into a Lifetime movie? You know the tear-jerker that is too good to be true. Today was one of those days to me. It started off like a typical Sunday for me. Waited to the last minute and then had to rush around in order to arrive at the church building on time. Needed to make a DVD for worship and couldn't concentrate on it. Needed to be doing two things at once but couldn't focus on one. Didn't get through half of the lesson. It was beautiful.Yes BEAUTIFUL! It drives me crazy but I have learned to love it.The chaos is controlled and has begun to represent growth. If it was the same 5 kids up there that were there two years ago I would have been able to multi-task much easier. With 23 people up there it gets a little crazy.

The beauty isn't in the lesson. It isn't in the music. It isn't in the occasional breakfast treats. Not even in the Starbuck's that someone occasionally brings in for me. (Although there is beauty and energy in that amazing cup). The beauty happens before i say a word. The beauty happens in what the outsider would perceive as controlled chaos. You see when we all sit around and talk over each other I sit there and absorb the conversations. I hear the people encouraging a brother/sister who is in an unhealthy relationship of need to look at the bigger picture. I hear the group offer support for the person having issues at home. I hear one person talk about how God revealed himself to her during the week. I hear about the person who befriended the person at their school who doesn't believe the same way they do. This is the beauty. Young people living a life outside of the four walls of our building. They are not waiting to be ministered to; they are being the ministers.

Tonight the girl who decided to follow Jesus wanted to tell everyone about it. Sunday night I am the one who gets to baptize her. I am so undeserving to be allowed the role I play in this. I get just as nervous now as I did when I baptized the first person. I still get the lump in my throat as I announce the newest member into the kingdom. It didn't stop with her though. We had a 24 year old young lady decide to follow Jesus today. What a day for the kingdom.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wreaking Havoc!

What a night! I like to try to immerse myself into the story when I read a book. Imagine myself being part of the story, maybe not always as the super hero but at least on the sidelines watching everything unfold. Try to get in the mind of the author. Sometimes this takes a toll on me though because it becomes too personal. As the students and I walk through the sermon on the mount this has been the case more than once. From the beginning some of the verses are against my nature, peacemaker, sometimes I prefer to just hash the thing out and be done with it.
Tonight was the first night we had our prayer room set up. Pretty sure it was the uncool thing to do. We took the ping pong table down in order to have a place dedicated to prayer.

I have had a devotion that is due tomorrow for my Evangelism/Discipleship class and had everything ready.

Then tonight...Jesus showed up and turned everything upside down/inside out. Love how he does that. I grew up hearing that life was easy when you decided to follow Jesus. I was taught that Jesus was a lot like a magic potion. Pray and life would be OK. Leave your problems at the cross and everything would be easy. After all isn't that what Paul did. He followed Jesus and the thorn from his side was removed. Oh wait, God said NO. Possibly the greatest missionary of all time struggled. Why shouldn't we?

I refuse to teach about the magic potion Jesus. Tonight I was teaching from Matthew 6:1-5ish and recapped chapter 5. Talked about how this was not the norm. Jesus teaching were hard, challenging, and sometimes even disturbing. Then chapter 6 opens by saying don't do this so people can see you and think "Hey this dude has it figured out"; but do it secretly expecting n0thing as thanks. Talked about how hard it is to follow Jesus sometimes. It goes against what were do naturally. Pretty sure I wouldn't make it as a salesman trying to sell Jesus as a product. Felt like I was not running smooth tonight.

Having said this and all Glory to God, tonight I watched as Jesus did it again. Turned a young girls life upside down. He wreaked havoc in this ladies life. The uncool prayer room became holy. Instead of having a dedication ceremony we christened it with a girl deciding to follow in the ways of Jesus. I was asked to go in there and talk to a couple of young ladies and asked my wife to go for me. So thankful for that. She was able to share with the girl what it means to follow Jesus. I got to watch my wife walk out all choked up after experiencing this. Yea it would have been cool to be in there but its not about me and being able to bring one more person in to experience this was amazing.

Pretty sure what I was going to do for my devotion just got turned upside down, He did it again...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

On a roll...

I would love to be able to post this often but I can come up with a million reasons why I won't but in reality it comes down to a lack of discipline. I really do enjoy writing and hope to become more disciplined over the year.
Haiti has been on my mind the last couple of days for obvious reasons. I can remember a time that I may have watched the news but never associated the people inside the TV as part of God's creation too. Now my heart breaks for the people there. I read a story of a teenage boy being shot in the head over some food (as we throw away our leftovers because we have excess). I heard a story of a pastor there filming as part of a documentary who had a Haitian pimp try to sell him a young teenage girl. He payed for an hour and bought her a lunch. I have mixed emotions about this because I am sickened he is there making a movie and taking up room that someone could be doing search and recovery. I also personally don't think I would have been able to turn her back over like a piece of property. I think that may
be one of those times I would have taken a bullet for a stranger. I was on a blog for a pastor who had been talking about the violence. I saw so called Christ followers talking about putting a bullet in people's heads, showing them what a beat down was, and how they understand how God had chosen Haiti for this plague. DISTURBING!

I later found myself on a website of a Mennonite pastor who told stories of Haitians working together to dig survivors out of rubble with only their hands. He told how they put their differences aside and worked together. He saw people sharing what food they had. Sharing tents, blankets, and clothing. We tend to hear less of this because it isn't as likely to make it into a movie.

Talking with some people this week they commented how the ordeal reminded them of a movie. They even talked about how it could be made into a movie. It will be. We will watch the very event that devastated a country, killed thousands, and crippled more for entertainment. We already watch rape, murder, racism, hate all in the name of entertainment. It pains me to think that we have taken a horrific crime like rape and put it on the big screen so much we are numb to it. We hear about it happening in real life and it barely effects us. Instead of leaving us shattered and moving us into action we flip the channel to American Idol or Lost never pausing to realize that was a child of God robbed. Never taking the time to even pray for healing. We put this crap into our heads under the umbrella of entertainment and nub ourselves so we do not have to feel the pain of the broken and hurt. The very people the Son of God came to heal.

I pray for and see a generation of people willing to change the world and fight for the injustice of the land instead of talking about how things should be or use to be. I see a people rising up willing to stand beside those who have been forgotten. I see a longing for the kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven! The only way this will ever come to be is by one crazy word that seems to turn things upside down every time it is executed in it's purest form. LOVE

Hopefully the two words that stand out on this page stand out together. When we love how we are suppose to it disturbs those around us...not like the car with the system that rattles your door disturbs you... but that it disturbs you to find out why and how can anyone love like that.

My prayer is we never become numb to the condition of people around us. My prayer is that it never again takes a catastrophic earthquake to make us pay attention to our neighbors living in poverty. That we realize it is our responsibility.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Been a while...

Hadn't realized it had been so long since I have been on here. My life has changed dramatically over the past couple of months once again. The company I work for has lost its major account which has trickled down to my family as a tremendous pay cut. My initial response was one of panic. My wife then slapped me (figuratively) and asked me who I was trusting to meet our needs? My employer or my Savior? It is real easy to answer until you are the one trying to figure out how 2+2 can equal 5. It can't with my employer paying me but with God he uses a different set of math rules. Trusting him to meet our needs and learning to cut where cuts can be made 2+2=5!

I have also found out you can really graduate from BCF Orlando extension. The end is near! I start school on Thursday and I am so excited for my classes this semester. Great classes and 3 professors I dearly love and respect. Knowing that I am already aware that I will be putting forth extra effort in those classes but still can't wait.

This last week we have all seen the pictures and video's of the earthquake in Haiti. My heart breaks for the people struggling to survive. I long to be there and pray that if the Lord calls me in that direction I am ready but until then I pray for the people. I encourage anybody that reads this to be aware of the condition people around the world live in and do what you can. You may think that there is not much you as an individual can do but when we all do together great things are done. There are these same stories of desperate people trying to survive in our own backyards. In our children's lessons yesterday I had a young girl express that she was afraid of Haitians moving into central Florida. She had been told that they would cause the crime rate to explode. My question is how much will the Haitian people be exploited in central Florida. How many will only find a job paying minimum wage, if they find a job, working much harder and longer than their supervisor's making 6 figures? How many will be shunned from our Sunday gatherings because they do not fit our image? How many will never hear the story of Jesus because they don't fit into our socio-economic groups? How many of us will even notice they our here as we live a life of isolation from anything that disturbs us? We hear the teachings of Jesus and wonder how they can fit into our lives instead of wondering how we can fit into His teachings!

Just a few quick thoughts on MLK day.